Useful tips to combat humidity in the bathroom

The bathroom is a part of the house that often presents moisture and as a result mold.
This situation is definitely annoying but you can follow a few steps to limit it as much as possible.
See some useful tips
✔ Spray the bathroom and shower often enough with vinegar! Stops the formation of mold.
✔ When you take a bath, the mat you step on when you get out absorbs water. This causes it to retain moisture, so once you're done take it outside to dry.
✔ Ventilate the bathroom well after each shower so that water vapor does not get trapped inside.
✔ After bathing, wipe all surfaces with a dry cloth.
✔ The towels you use in the bathroom should be spread out immediately afterwards and of course once a week it is necessary to change them.
✔ If you have a curtain in the bathroom, you should, for a few minutes, keep it open to let the moisture out of the bathtub. Of course, immediately afterwards you should close it, so that it can dry itself.
✔ Finally, you can place a small bowl of rice in the bathroom to absorb the moisture.