
Energy fireplace and how it works

An energy fireplace operates to efficiently heat a space using the combustion of wood or other fuels, with the aim of maximizing efficiency and minimizing energy loss. Unlike traditional fireplaces, energy fireplaces are designed to deliver more heat and consume less fuel, thanks to special systems and technologies.

How it works:

  1. Closed combustion system: The energy fireplace has a closed combustion chamber, which means that the fuel is burned in an enclosed space, with limited escape of smoke and heat. This helps to increase efficiency.
  2. Increased performance: The pipes and special ventilation systems of the energy fireplace allow the heat to be recycled and directed into the space, resulting in faster and more efficient heating. Typically, these fireplaces have heat exchange systems that use air or water to distribute heat to other spaces or to support radiator heating.
  3. Burner or heat accumulator: Some energy fireplaces use heat accumulators or burners, which store the heat produced and release it later to maintain the temperature of the room.
  4. Tobacco management: Proper ventilation of the combustion chamber and the ejection of fumes through a pipe or flue helps maintain clean gases and avoid contamination of the space.
  5. Recycled air and energy savings: Some models have systems for using the hot air from the fireplace to heat the environment around it, without the need to consume additional energy.

Benefits of using an energy fireplace:

  • Increased performance: Saves fuel and reduces CO2 emissions, while at the same time providing more heat to the space.
  • Economy: By using less fuel, lower heating costs are achieved.
  • Heat recovery: The heat produced is recycled and distributed effectively throughout the space.

This type of fireplace is ideal for use in homes and cottages that want to reduce fuel consumption and achieve better thermal insulation and energy savings.