
Heat pump consumption.

The consumption of a heat pump depends on many factors, such as the efficiency of the heat pump, the external and internal temperature conditions, the thermal power required to meet the heating or cooling load, and the efficiency of the device.

In general, a heat pump consumes electrical energy to transfer heat from one medium (usually the outside environment) to another (e.g., from the outside to the inside of the building). The energy efficiency of heat pumps is usually measured by the coefficient of performance (COP), which indicates how much heat is produced for each unit of electrical energy consumed.

For example, if the COP is 4, this means that for every 1 kWh of electrical energy consumed by the heat pump, 4 kWh of thermal energy is produced.

Energy consumption can be calculated using the following general formula:


  • Thermal Capacity is the thermal power required for heating or cooling the space (in kW or kWh).
  • COP is the coefficient of performance of the heat pump.

To calculate the exact consumption, you need to know the power required and the COP of the heat pump you are using.